Nicholina Annor-Adjei
Nicholina Annor-Adjei is a lawyer, a development consultant and currently serves as the New Zealand Honorary Consul for Ghana.
A dual citizen of Ghana and New Zealand, Nicholina returned to Ghana in December 2013 and served in various senior management roles at TV3 Network Limited, initially as the Head of Legal Services and Corporate Affairs, and later as Head of Digital Media for 3news.com. At TV3, she spearheaded the Network’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives, in particular the June 3 Disaster Support Fund, established the 3 Foundation, and advised and negotiated notable commercial and licensing contracts.
Her career in the legal practice began over 20 years ago. Prior to returning to Ghana, Nicholina worked as a Senior Solicitor at the Ministry of Social Development in New Zealand, advising in the areas of policy and legislative reforms. She project managed the drafting and passage of what is now known in New Zealand as the Children’s Act 2014. Nicholina was awarded with the Corporate Lawyers Association of New Zealand (CLANZ) Award for Community Contribution in recognition for her volunteer work at the Wellington Women’s Refuge in empowering women to live without violence and fear. She continues to have strong ties with New Zealand in her role as New Zealand’s Honorary Consul to Ghana.
Nicholina currently works as an international development consultant, specializing in Trade and Business Development Services for Small, and Medium-scale Enterprises (SMEs) and Startups.
She holds an LLB and a Bachelor of Management Studies (Honors) from the University of Waikato, New Zealand, and a Post Graduate Certificate in Public Management from the School of Government at Victoria University of Wellington,. She is a dual- qualified lawyer and able to practice in New Zealand and Ghana.